The Privilege

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.

Meet Your True Self:

Here’s a quote from 18th century mystical poet, William Blake: “If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern.” Those of a certain age, like me, will remember the words “doors of perception” as a catch-phrase of the 1960s. First, British author Aldous Huxley borrowed The Doors of Perception as the title for a brief book he wrote in 1954, detailing his experiences when taking the psychedelic drug, mescaline. A decade later, iconic American rock band, The Doors, borrowed their name and all the rich layers of associated meaning from Huxley’s book title. As William Blake said, “If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” Our connection to the Infinite has always beckoned us. We have only to move beyond the barriers we ourselves have created to a blissful and empowering view of reality.

Explorations of what the Infinite means to us, in a book called The Impersonal Life by Joseph S. Benner. According to Benner, every one of us has both a personal self as well as an impersonal aspect to our being. Your personal self, or your personality, is being directed at all times by your mind and your five senses. When you approach your life from your Impersonal self, it is an opportunity to free yourself, now and forever, from the unhealthy and limiting domination of your personality, with its self-inflated and often self-sabotaging mind and intellect.

Discovering Your Inner Divine Love and Light.

In contrast to your personal self, there is also an impersonal self that is with you for every moment of your existence in this lifetime. This impersonal self is NOT your intellect and body. It is the invisible intelligence that animates all of life. It is responsible for all of your deepest desires. It allows your fingernails to grow, your heart to beat, and it is the Force that supports all of life everywhere. To appreciate the presence of this Force, you must get away from the consciousness of your body and intellect, which have long held you enslaved. The work of mine is to discover how to feel your own connection to the Infinite Impersonal Self within and come to know and rely upon it at all times.

Shedding the Veil of Personality

Most of us are so attached to our personalities that we are immune to recognizing the LIGHT that is our true essence. That which you have come to think you are you are not! Everything in nature has an animating force behind it which, as Lao Tzu explains in the Tao Te Ching, “does nothing, yet leaves nothing undone.” There is no doer that you can see or touch that opens the flowers or keeps the planets in alignment or allows you to breathe. You know that it is there, yet it is impervious to your senses and your entire personality.

YOU ARE LIGHT. When you accept this, you allow yourself to experience your true essence as a spark of the infinite divine intelligence.


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