Trust Itself Is Such A Blessing

When everything is going smoothly and beautifully, you can trust. But you are trusting somebody else: God, God’s only begotten son, any messenger of God, a prophet, a tirthankara or a Gautam Buddha. It does not matter. You are trusting somebody else and things can go wrong any moment. The basic trust has not to be in existence, it has to be within you.

You should learn to become more conscious and alert to trust yourself. Do you trust yourself? If you trust yourself that will be unconditional trust because it cannot be for any particular reason. And out of that unconditional trust will grow many branches: you will become a huge tree with great foliage. You will trust love, you will trust the truth, you will trust godliness, you will trust beauty; you will simply trust because your heart is full of trust and there is not even a shadow of distrust. Even if you want to distrust, you cannot.

Only when you cannot distrust, even if you want to, have you come to the very center of your being, from where arises the trust in existence, in life, in people, in trees.

And that is not because of any conditions. Trust itself is such a blessing, such an ecstasy in itself! Once you have tasted it within yourself you would like to taste it in the whole cosmos. If it is so great just within you, how much greater it will be when you trust everything. It does not depend on any condition being fulfilled…

Love is another dimension of trust. Have you ever thought about it? People go on saying, ‘I love you more and more.’ But love does not know any quantities. It is a quality; you cannot measure it less or more – one kilo or two kilos or three kilos. It is good that people don’t use that, that: ‘I love you two kilos, and it is growing. Don’t be worried! Soon you will see – I will be loving you three kilos.’

It is not a quantity, it is not part of the world of quantities, it is not matter that it can be measured into more or less. Trust is the highest fragrance of love. You cannot say, ‘I have been able to trust more and more.’ You are saying it because existence – perhaps just by coincidence – has been a great support to you, or perhaps you are imaginative enough that whatever existence brings to you, you start imagining, ‘This is what I always wanted’…

So first I would like you to see that trust is not a quantity but a quality. Either you have it in total or you don’t have it in total; either it is nil or it is one hundred percent. You cannot divide it into slices. It is indivisibly one, organically one.


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