Spontaneity And Authenticity:
- Step Out Of Comfort Zones: Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zones and explore new experiences. Breaking free from conditioning often involves taking risks and trying new things.
- Take the risk of thinking for yourself. Much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way.
- Bliss is a shadow of being authentic, true, sincerely your own self.
- Life is an adventure because the unexpected happens. The greater the adventure would be if more and more unexpected things happened to you. Feel blissful.
- Compassion for Yourself: Be compassionate with yourself as you navigate the journey of embracing your true self. It’s a process that requires patience and self-kindness.
- If you don’t love yourself you will never be able to love anybody else.
- Only compassion is therapeutic. Only in love does one come to feel that one is more than the body, more than the mind.
- The word compassion is beautiful: half of it is passion – somehow passion has become so refined that it is no longer like passion. It has become compassion.
- Spontaneity And Authenticity: Take time for self-reflection and introspection. Question the beliefs and values that you have adopted from society and consider whether they align with your authentic self.
- One who lives in this moment as if it is all is spontaneous.
- Sahaj means spontaneity, samadhi means awareness: spontaneous awareness. If awareness interferes with your spontaneity, you have missed.
- To be authentic means to be true to oneself. It is a very, very dangerous phenomenon; rare people can do that.