Uncovering Buddha’s 2nd Fold
- Sharpening Intellect V/S Intelligence: Intellect is of the mind; intelligence comes only through meditation, there is no other way.
- Intellect collects information, it is a memory system. Intelligence needs no information, it goes through transformation.
- Mind is not your intelligence. Intelligence is your born quality.
- Intelligence arises only when meditation has blossomed. It is the fragrance of your silence – the song of your silence.
- Intelligence is clarity; intellectuality is nothing but a clouded state. Intellectuality means you are too knowledgeable; your knowledge goes on interfering. Your mind is continuously interpreting, your mind is judging.
- Intellect takes things apart to see how they work; intelligence puts things together to see the functioning of the whole.
- Alertness V/S Practise/Observation: Be mindful and be alert. If you are alert, if your actions become more and more aware, whatsoever you do will not be done sleepily. The whole effort of society is to make you automatic, is to make you like an automaton, is to make you a perfect, efficient mechanism.
- Martial art people are alert towards themselves so they have a lot of energy within them. They learn to protect themselves and not to attack anyone. So they drop their aggressiveness.
- With practise and observation one will be conscious towards the self. Consciousness is the quality by which one will become Aware of self. With Awareness one can be transcendental. Means one will always have surplus energy to deal with any circumstances without any turbulence. With that one will know joy is within and not without.
- Acceptance Of Incompleteness: As we are incomplete it’s a blessing to us. Otherwise we cannot grow in consciousness. Once we have accepted our incompleteness we will drop our comparison.
- Comparison is a disease, one of the greatest diseases. Each individual is unique, and comparison is not possible. With understanding one will know that each man is unique. There has never been any individual like you before and there will never be again. You are utterly unique. This is your privilege, your prerogative, life’s blessing – that it has made you unique.
- Never condemn anything.
- Accept yourself, because only through acceptance is transformation possible.
- We Need To Be Quick And Not In A Hurry: But what does the thought-provoking phrase “Be quick but don’t hurry” really mean?
- When we act from our awareness we will be out of hurriness. Hurriness will drop.
- We will become quick. Quickness means, all the time, the possibility to face newness.
- Deliver everything fresh like seed when it grows as a tree. You will drop your possessiveness.
- Buddha’s 2nd Fold Right Awareness: RA is not about any judgement. Without any judgement if you go through any circumstances is RA.
- Right now our awareness is others’ awareness. What we think that our awareness is is not awareness of self but awareness of others.
- First step towards RA is to become more self-aware and we can feel our silence through playfulness.
- More you will be self-aware, the more you will see playfulness in yourself.