• Profile picture of Dhwani Shah

    Dhwani Shah posted in the group Daily Motivation

    1 month ago

    Awareness is the only KEY….!

    The universe in its grand dance is nothing if not witnessed with pure awareness. Awareness is indeed the key – the only key – to unlocking the boundless nature of existence.

    When Osho says “Awareness is the only key,” what he invites you to unravel is the profound simplicity within these words. Everything in life is transient, ever-fluctuating, and impermanent. Yet, awareness is the constant backdrop to all these changes. It is not influenced by any experience, thought, or emotion, it simply observes them.

    Awareness is a state of being where you are not lost in the thoughts of the past, nor are you drowned in the worries of the future. You are here. Now. Fully. In this present moment, you are alive to each sensation, each thought as it arises and falls away, and in that aliveness, you find freedom.

    Most people sleepwalk through life, reacting mechanically to stimuli, patterns laid down by the mind’s conditioning. But when you bring awareness to your experiences, you are no longer a victim of unconscious patterns. Instead, you become the master of your own being.

    To expand your awareness is to expand your consciousness. And in that expansion, you become more aligned with the totality of life. The key does not open a door that leads to a trove of worldly treasures. No. This key unlocks the treasure that you already are, the serene centre of your being, the witness, the knower.

    By becoming more aware, you begin to recognise the spaces between your thoughts, the silence between sounds, the stillness in movement. It is in these spaces that the fragrance of enlightenment dwells. You start to see life not as a series of problems to be solved, but as a mystery to be lived, celebrated, and revelled in.

    So meditate, become more mindful in your daily activities, and observe without judgement. Slowly, the key of awareness will unlock each chain that binds you, and you will discover the boundless freedom that is your very nature.

    Remember, awareness neither judges nor condemns, it simply is. It is in that ‘is-ness’ that all wisdom and peace lie.



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