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Daily Motivation

  • Public Group
  • 18 hours, 59 minutes ago
  • 1.7K


  • 4


  • You deserve all happiness even if you’re not use to it.

    You are entitled to all the happiness life has to offer, even if it feels unfamiliar to you.

    To elaborate on the quote, “If you suffer, it is because of you. If you feel blissful, it is because of you. Nobody else is responsible, only you and you alone. You are your hell and your hea…Read More

  • Mind loses all power in Let go, and the same power is felt all over your body. Become one with Existence.

    This quote emphasises the transformative power of letting go and quieting the mind. When you are able to let go, the grip of the mind weakens, allowing you to experience a sense of freedom and unity with everything around you. The concept…Read More

  • During Meditation, allow and enjoy the moments of Let go. Feel the ground beneath your feet.

    The concept of “Let Go” as described delves into the idea of surrendering control and striving to live in harmony with existence. It emphasises a shift from a mindset of competition and struggle to one of acceptance and relaxation. By letting go of the…Read More

  • Truth will reveal itself to you.

    The quote that truth is not something one needs to actively seek out or learn from external sources. Instead, it implies that truth has a natural tendency to manifest itself to individuals who are open and receptive to. This means that by being present and observant, one can become more attuned to the truths…Read More

  • Be quiet in your mind, quiet in your senses, and also quiet in your body. Then, when all these are quiet, don’t do anything.

    This quote provides deep insights into the essence of meditation and the philosophy of being a state of non-doing. Kabir’s perspective emphasises the importance of being silent in mind, senses, and body, as well as ref…Read More

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