• Profile picture of Dhwani Shah

    Dhwani Shah posted in the group Daily Motivation

    1 week, 5 days ago

    Each moment of life brings you two alternatives: to be miserable or to be happy. It depends on your choice.

    Life, indeed, is an unending procession of moments, a flowing river that never ceases. In each of these transient moments, there is a subtle power of choice, endowed to each being who is conscious and aware. This choice is the very essence of your freedom: the freedom to decide how you will respond to the various situations that life presents to you.

    Misery and happiness, these are the dual faces of the same existence. The existence itself is neutral; it is your reaction, your perception that cloaks it in the garb of either misery or happiness. Understand well, that misery is often born out of resistance to what is. It arises when you are fighting against the moment, when you are refusing to accept and flow with the reality that unfolds before you.

    Happiness, on the other hand, emerges from acceptance, from a deep understanding and an embracing of the ever-changing dance of existence. When you are in tune with the true nature of things, when you allow yourself to be as fluid as the river of moments itself, you find joy even amidst situations that might have once caused you despair.

    To choose happiness, therefore, is not about denying pain or difficulty, but rather about transcending them. It is about maintaining an inner space of stillness and peace within which the external storms can rage without disrupting the core of your being.

    The choice of being miserable or happy is not a one-time event but a continual process. Each moment bestows upon you this grand opportunity to exercise your freedom, to cultivate a witnessing awareness that observes all that life offers without becoming entangled in it. In such a state of witnessing, you can use everything that happens to you as a means for your own inner growth and joy.

    Remember, there is no situation intrinsically miserable or happy. They gain that quality based on your inner state. If you see the world through the glasses tinted with gloom, everything appears dark. If through the lenses of joy, even the darkest moments can have their own beautiful glow.

    Practice mindfulness, cultivate awareness, and let your inner consciousness be the guide. You will then find that happiness and misery are simply choices that you make in every moment, reflecting your deepest understanding and connection with life.



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