• Profile picture of Aditya Shah

    Aditya Shah posted in the group Daily Living

    8 months, 3 weeks ago

    Once upon a time, the donkey engaged in a curious conversation with the tiger. The donkey boldly asserted, “The grass is blue.” In contrast, the tiger confidently retorted, “No, the grass is green.” This simple exchange of opinions quickly escalated into a fervent discussion. Eventually, the two creatures reached a resolution: they would present their disagreement before the lion, the esteemed ruler of the jungle.

    With this decision in mind, the donkey raised its voice before the lion and inquired, “Your highness, may I seek your wisdom? Is it true that the grass is blue?” The lion, without hesitation, responded, “Indeed, the grass is blue.” Emboldened by the lion’s affirmation, the donkey pressed on, “Your majesty, the tiger contradicts me and persists in annoying disagreement. I implore you to take action and administer punishment.” Yielding to this plea, the lion decreed, “Very well, the tiger shall endure five years of silence.”

    Upon hearing this verdict, the donkey’s spirits soared, and it continued on its way with an air of triumph. Meanwhile, the tiger accepted its imposed penalty, though it harbored a question that demanded an answer. It approached the lion and respectfully inquired, “Your majesty, if I may humbly ask, why have I been subjected to this punishment? After all, the grass is undeniably green.” The lion acknowledged, “Indeed, the grass is green.”

    Seeking further clarification, the tiger persisted, “Then, might I inquire why I must bear this punishment?” The lion responded with sagacity, “The nature of the grass’s color, whether blue or green, is not the crux of the matter. Your punishment is a consequence of engaging in futile discourse with a donkey—an endeavor beneath a creature of your courage and intellect. Moreover, approaching me with such a trivial question after engaging in such an argument only reinforces the point. The gravest waste of time lies in debating with individuals who are impervious to truth and reality, individuals driven solely by the desire to validate their convictions and illusions.”

    In conclusion, there exist individuals who remain impervious to evidence and reason. Whether due to an incapacity to comprehend or a propensity for ego-driven obstinacy, attempting to sway such individuals from their beliefs is an exercise in futility. As the tale of the donkey and the tiger illustrates, valuable time and energy are better directed towards noble pursuits rather than futile arguments with the unyielding and unreasonable.



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