Bliss Is Natural – In Gita Verse 6.9 A person is considered still further advanced when he regards honest well-wishers, affectionate benefactors, the neutral, mediators, the envious, friends and enemies, the pious and the sinners all with an equal mind.

Krishna says that a person who is one with the universe also has experience of one with everyone around him as he has no judgement for anyone and lives in blissful state.

Let’s understand Krishna’s words – in Buddha’s words – Buddha has said: “The moment I became enlightened, the whole existence became enlightened with me.” Now, there is something of tremendous significance in it. What does he mean by this statement? Certainly you are not enlightened, but he is saying, “The moment I became enlightened I came to know that I am not separate. And if I am enlightened, the whole existence is enlightened, because there is no separation anywhere, there is no demarcation. Either the whole is enlightened or I am not enlightened; there is no other possibility.”

Buddha is one with the whole and immediately he is  one with everything. Nothing is separate for him. No separation, no divisions. With him everyone becomes Enlightened.

The moment you put the ego aside, the curtain disappears. God is not hidden, only your eyes are closed. Open your eyes!

Surrender means opening your eyes. Surrender means dropping a false idea that “I am separate from the whole.” It is a false idea, so in fact you are not dropping anything. You are calculating wrongly: you are doing some arithmetic, two plus two is four, but you are putting five. The moment you realise that two plus two is NOT five but four, are you dropping something? Are you renouncing something? Are you losing something? Will you feel that it is a loss? – It was five and now it is only four. No, it is not a loss because it was never five; it was ALWAYS four. When you were thinking it was five, then too it was four. Not even for a single moment was it five. You were in a delusion.

Ego is a hallucination. You are not separate from the whole – trying to be, of course, hence the whole misery. Trying to do something which is not possible, which is impossible, is bound to create misery. Misery is unnatural; it is your invention. Misery does not exist; it is your hallucination. It is a nightmare created by you. It is your great work!

Bliss is natural. Bliss is the very nature of the way things are. Aes Dhammo Sanantano, says Buddha: bliss is the way things are. But you are trying to be something which is not possible: you are trying to be separate, you are trying to be an island, and you belong to the continent, the vast, infinite continent of God or godliness.

Surrender means seeing that “I am not separate” – just SEEING that “I am not separate.” Nothing is surrendered, nothing is dropped; just a nonsense idea, a dream is no more there because you are awake.

Ego is a state of blindness, of drunkenness, of dreaming. Just waking up is surrender. Either wake up and surrender happens, or surrender and you are awake. They are two sides of the same coin.

But the moment you are awake, the whole, becomes a mystery. Suddenly all knowledge evaporates like dewdrops in the early morning sun. For the first time your eyes are full of wonder like a child. It is a second birth! In India we have called the man who comes to know the mystery of existence, dwij – twice-born.

Jesus says to Nicodemus, “Unless you are born again you will not enter into my kingdom of God.” He also says, “Unless you are like a child you will not enter into my kingdom of God.” What does he mean? He simply means that a rebirth is needed. The way you have lived is the way of the ego. You have to drop that whole life-style. You have lived believing that you are separate from the whole.

This is surrender: relaxing, resting, dropping all private goals, dropping the whole achieving mind, all the ego projections. And then life is a mystery. Your eyes will be full of wonder; your heart will be full of awe.

Krishna says in that moment you are not only united with whole but united with everything around you. Your mind drops all the judgements for honest well-wishers, affectionate benefactors, the neutral, mediators, the envious, friends and enemies, the pious and the sinners. For him, everyone is he and he is everyone. He treats everyone with his compassion, including himself.


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