
Be womb means what?

It means receptivity.

Truth cannot be sought – one can simply be receptive, that’s all. One can open the doors and wait. One can say only this much, “If the divine guest comes, you will be received, welcomed. I don’t know who you are, and I don´t know your address and I cannot even send an invitation. But whosoever you are, and whomsoever it concerns, if you come, my doors will be open – you will not find them closed.” That’s all that a seeker can do. And that´s all that is needed to be done. More than that is not possible and is not needed.

So let this posture be your deep attitude. One has to become receptive. The search for truth is not a male search. It is a feminine search – just like feminine energy – receptive. Not like a male – aggressive.

Meditativeness is simply a deep receptivity, a readiness, an open door.

Whatever is valuable, whatever is beautiful, whatever is best, whatever is true, whatever is auspicious in life, is found only by a receptive mind. He who keeps the door open finds it. Therefore the sage does not say, “I have it,” but says, “I have heard it from those who knew. I have heard it, I have received it from where there is wisdom.” In this statement there is a keen desire to rub out the “I.” That is why no Upanishad bears the signature of its author on it. We don’t know who speaks this, who tells this, whose words these are. Somebody proclaimed such invaluable truths without disclosing their authorship.

In fact, great truths have to be declared without claiming authorship, because the author dies before the birth of the great truth. These sages remove themselves completely from the claim of authorship. Nobody knows who is speaking these sentences, nor is it known whether these are the writings of one or more people. In the Upanishads it is probable that different sutras are the revelations of different sages, and yet there is an interesting observation to be made. These may be the words of different people, but there is one harmony, one music in them. There may be a number of people, there may be a different author for each sutra, but they must have been absolutely like one person somewhere deep down within themselves.

Quality of Woman: Receptive


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