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Since coins represent Money, their invention  led to solving problems of Barter System and facilitation of Trade and helped in measuring one’s Wealth. In India many religions worship Coins, we have given them status of God Specially on Dhanteras (festival)  we worship coins. In the picture of Goddess Lakshmi we can see Gold coins flowing from her hand.

History of Coin:

Coins were introduced as a method of payment around the 6th or 5th century BCE. The invention of coins is still shrouded in mystery: According to Herodotus, coins were first minted by the Lydians, while Aristotle claims that the first coins were minted by Demodike of Kryme, the wife of King Midas of Phrygia. Numismatists consider that the first coins were minted on the Greek island of Aegina, either by the local rulers or by king Pheidon of Argos.

Coins were brought to India through the Achaemenid Empire, as well as the successor kingdoms of Alexander the Great. Especially the Indo-Greek kingdoms minted (often bilingual) coins in the 2nd century BCE. The most beautiful coins of the classical age are said to have been minted by Samudragupta (335-376 CE), who portrayed himself as both conqueror and musician.

The first coins were made of electrum, an alloy of silver and gold. It appears that many early Lydian coins were minted by merchants as tokens to be used in trade transactions. The Lydian state also minted coins, most of the coins mentioning king Alyattes of Lydia.

We also threw coins in Rivers and ponds as a tradition, Since they were made of Copper and its alloys (Brass and Bronze) they help the dirt to settle at the bottom allowing clear water at the top for Drinking. Copper and Silver are known to have antimicrobial properties which helps to kill many bacteria in the water.

Coin represent our relationship with money:

Everyone has a relationship with money. It’s one of the most important relationships in a person’s life because it plays a critical role in physical, emotional, financial and overall well-being.

Litmus paper of our relationship with the money is Coin.

How we treat the Coin – watch. Generally the Coin is the lower denomination of the currency. Still it plays important role how we treat it.

We can know the person’s relationship with money by the way he handles money, if he throws the coins it shows he has got the money easily or through wrong means 

If a person accidentally drops a coin and picks it up with Reverence it shows his respect for Money.

Money is an energy that communicates between all things material and facilitates human relationships. It’s a way to examine how well we’re applying our values—such as fairness, gratitude and honesty – in all our transactions.


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