• Profile picture of Dhwani Shah

    Dhwani Shah posted in the group Vedic Science

    11 months, 3 weeks ago

    The connection between the sound of the universe and ancient Indian beliefs, particularly Sanatan Dharma, is a subject of great interest. According to this religion’s ancient scriptures, Lord Shiva created the OM sound before the universe’s creation, thus connecting the creation of the universe to the OM sound. Science has confirmed that the sound of the universe is indeed OM, and modern technology has even shown that it vibrates with an OM frequency. However, it is impossible to recreate the OM sound by merely chanting it, but we can produce a vibration similar to the one already present in the universe.

    This knowledge was extensively utilized by ancient civilizations, and that is why OM is still utilized in many shlokas and mantras today. Sanatan Dharma has a profound relationship with the science of the universe, and this knowledge has been passed down through generations. Therefore, the connection between the universe and Sanatan Dharma is indeed one of the most intriguing and fascinating subjects to explore.



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