Divine Consciousness – In Gita Verse 2.53 When your mind is no longer disturbed by the flowery language of the Vedas, and when it remains fixed in the trance of self-realisation, then you will have attained divine consciousness.

Krishna tells Arjuna once you are indifferent to all the pain and no longer disturbed by pain, the first thing is you have realised the Veda but not stuck to its language. You have gained courage to be with yourself, allowing the existence to take possession of you. Here you are self-realised. You are no longer a separate entity in the universe but part of its whole play of the universe. You are ready to change, you are ready to die, you are ready to take birth, you are ready to play your role. You have surrendered to the Universe. By surrendering to the universe you transcend self-realisation to divine consciousness, Enlightenment.

Enlightenment is a simple realisation that everything is as it should be.

That is the definition of enlightenment: everything is as it should be, everything is utterly perfect as it is. That feeling…and you are suddenly at home. Nothing is being missed. You are part, an organic part of this tremendous, beautiful whole. You relaxed in it, surrendered in it. You don’t exist separately – all separation has disappeared.

A great rejoicing happens, because with the ego disappearing there is no worry left, with the ego disappearing there is no anguish left, with the ego disappearing there is no possibility of death any more. This is what enlightenment is. It is the understanding that all is good, that all is beautiful – and it is beautiful as it is. Everything is in tremendous harmony, in accord.

Enlightenment simply means an experience of your consciousness unclouded by thoughts, emotions, sentiments. When the consciousness is totally empty, there is something like an explosion, an atomic explosion. Your whole insight becomes full of a light which has no source and no cause. And once it has happened, it remains. It never leaves you for a single moment; even when you are asleep, that light is inside. And after that moment you can see things in a totally different way. After that experience, there is no question in you.

Enlightenment means being fully conscious, aware. Ordinarily we are not conscious and not aware. 

When one is enlightened one is conscious, but one is not conscious of consciousness. One is perfectly conscious, but there is no object in it. One is simply conscious, as if a light goes on enlightening the emptiness around it. There is no object, there is nothing the light can fall upon. It is pure consciousness. The object has disappeared; your subject has flowered into totality. Now there is no object – and hence, there can be no subject. The object and subject both have disappeared. You are simply conscious. Not conscious of anything, just conscious. You are – consciousness….… He is not conscious about enlightenment; he is simply conscious. He lives in consciousness, he sleeps in consciousness, he moves in consciousness. He lives, he dies in consciousness. Consciousness becomes an eternal source in him, a non flickering flame, a non wavering state of being. It is not an attribute, it is not accidental; it cannot be taken away. His whole being is conscious.

What is enlightenment? Coming to understand, coming to realise that you are not the body. You are the light within; not the lamp, but the flame. You are neither body nor mind. Mind belongs to the body; the mind is not beyond the body, it is part of the body – most subtle, most refined, but it is part of the body. Mind is also atomic, as the body is atomic. You are neither the body nor the mind – then you come to know who you are. And to know who you are is enlightenment…. Enlightened means you have realised who you are.

Once Arjuna gains divine consciousness then there is no question of suffering, pain, trauma. He will be just conscious and in that he will allow the whole war to happen as if it is happening in a movie. Where the warriors are just part of the war without any pain, identification, meaning, expectations, desire to win or lose. He will just act his part in the war as totally indifferent.


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