Avidya (Misperception)
- Maya (Glamour): Maya is that which beguiles, an enchanting illusion that dances before the senses, prompting the ephemeral over the eternal.
- It weaves a tapestry of glittering fabrications, luring the mind with the glamour of appearances.
- Trapped in Maya, the individual chases shadows, mistaking them for substance.
- Maya is the grand play, the divine Lila, twisting the immutable into myriad forms.
- Understand, Maya is not malevolent; it is a cosmic process, inviting us to look beyond and see the truth.
- Four Projections: There are four projections – Impermanent – Eternal, Impure – Pure, Misery – Happiness, and Not-self – Self. Four temporaries are Impermanent, Impure, Misery and Not-self. Our fluctuating mind projects this temporary as permanent.
- These projections are like mirages – convincing yet ephemeral upon the touchstone of realisation.
- By dissecting these projections, we can perceive the threads of Avidya woven through our perceptions.
- Witnessing the fallacy of these projections brings about Vairagya, detachment, and a step towards liberation.
- Avidya (Misperception): Avidya is the fog of ignorance, the clouds that obscure the light of the sun, which is pure Consciousness.
- It is through Avidya that the mind misconstrues the perishable as indestructible, finding solace in the transient.
- Avidya is not seeing the world as it is, but through a distorted lens coloured by personal desires and fears.
- It is a state of not-knowing, where the intrinsic reality is concealed and the nonessential is embraced.
- In the state of Avidya, we are dispossessed of our divine heritage, estranged from the Self.