Rhythm Is Silence – In Gita Verse 1.19 The blowing of these different conch shells became uproarious. Vibrating both in the sky and on the earth, it shattered the hearts of the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra.

Rhythmic Response of Pandava reached in whole existence. While Kauravas response was tumultuous in its whole existence.

In Bhagavad Gita Verse 1.13 it says that when Kaurava responded – After that, the conch shells, drums, bugles, trumpets and horns all suddenly sounded, and the combined sound was tumultuous.

Rhythm means – When you feel one with the trees and the birds and the rivers and the rocks, and the ocean and the sand – watch. You will find that there are many rhythms of your breath, a great spectrum: from the most violent, ugly, miserable hell-type, to the most silent heaven-type.

Then when you have discovered your rhythm, practice it; make it a part of your life. By and by it becomes unconscious; then you only breathe in that rhythm. With that rhythm your life will be a life of a yogi: you will not be angry, you will not feel so sexual, you will not feel so filled with hatred. Suddenly you will feel a transmutation happening to you.

Rhythm is a message of silence in us. Tumultuous is a message of excitement and anxiety. As a team when Pandavas’ silence reached to sky and on the earth it shows their gratitude towards existence. In gratitude they said that we will focus on what we have to deliver without enmity towards Kaurava and fight with them. We accept your assignment in gratitude.

Whenever we hear music immediately we become silent. In the middle of all the objective world’s activity suddenly we feel silence, we feel life. This is very alive, not dead but a flow.

Rhythmic message by Pandava and their team conveyed to the Universe that we are ready without any resistance to deliver your assignment.

For them it is not right or wrong, win or lose but only one thing: how we can deliver our assignment which has been given by the Universe.

There is no possibility of any division between right and wrong on the highest level of universal consciousnesses, for the simple reason that there are no divisions at all. It is one.

What is right and what is wrong?

Awareness is right; unawareness is wrong. Don’t label actions as wrong and right. Don’t say violence is wrong. Sometimes violence can be right. Don’t say love is right. Sometimes love can be wrong. Love can be for a wrong person, love can be for a wrong purpose. Somebody loves his country. Now, this is wrong because nationalism is a curse. Somebody loves his religion. He can kill, he can murder, he can burn others’ temples. Neither is love always right nor is anger always wrong.

Then what is right and what is wrong? Awareness is right. If you are angry with full awareness, even anger is right. And if you are loving with unawareness, even love is not right.

So let the quality of awareness be there in every act that you do, in every thought that you think, in every dream that you dream. Let the quality of awareness enter into your being more and more. Become suffused with the quality of awareness. Then whatsoever you do is virtue. Then whatsoever you do is good. Then whatsoever you do is a blessing to you and to the world in which you live.

Sound of conch shells which was so Rhythmic that the silence which was uproarious through it, shattered the hearts of the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra.

It’s natural. When you are excited for anything, the other person will not be shattered. Because they know it within no time they can uproot you, divert you. But when you are silent the other person will be shattered because it says that I am rooted in myself. The person who is rooted in themselves it is very difficult to uproot them and defeat them. For Kaurava this war was to win but this Uproar of silence was so profound that they could hear that we will not be able to defeat Pandava.


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