
People who trust themselves can trust others. People who don’t trust themselves cannot trust anybody. Out of self-trust, trust arises.

When one lives in trust, there is no choice. But this choice makes the human mind function in extremes. We all live through extremes because we have choices – either I will have this or I will have that. There is never a middle path for the mind.

To realise the beauty of life and to live it, choices have to go, polarities have to go and eventually, the mind has to go. One has to learn to be in a let-go state, because sometimes the mind has the tendency to cling to the pain, to negative experiences, and even cling to thoughts in the form of memories. But for us to be in a state of let-go, we must constantly be aware of the functioning of our mind and its inherent tendency to choose between two extremes in all day-to-day situations. Observing this tendency of the mind constantly, will eventually make the let-go state happen. And the pleasure and showering of bliss is nothing but in this state of let-go.

The state of let-go is the deepest feeling of trust towards existence as it is.

Let go is certainly the most fundamental principle of religiousness. It simply means no goal, no desire, no longing, no past, no future – just being here in utter totality, drowning in this silence, without resistance. There is no art, there is no knack, there is no method; just a simple understanding.

Letting go helps us to to live in a more peaceful state of mind and helps restore our balance. It allows others to be responsible for themselves and for us to take our hands off situations that do not belong to us. This frees us from unnecessary stress.

5 steps to letting go:

1.  Observe your mind: Try to take a step back from your mind and observe your thoughts. What are you identifying with the most? What are your conditioned thought patterns? You’ll begin that the mind, or the ego, isn’t really you which will give you enormous liberation.

2. Distinguish between the voice of the ego and the actual situation: Your mind, or your ego might tell you that not getting the job you want has ruined your career. The actual reason is that you have disappointed over something you never had in the first place. There has been no loss. Nothing has changed except what you perceived to be your future.

3. Embrace uncertainty: Easier said than done, but embracing the unknown actually provides security. Those who seek security in the exterior world chase it for a lifetime. By letting go of your attachment to the illusion of security, which is really an attachment to the known, you step into the field of all possibilities. This is where you will find true happiness, abundance, and fulfilment.

4. Meditate: Meditation is a fantastic practice to take a step back from your mind and observe what’s going on.

5. Don’t beat yourself up: When you experience negative emotions, don’t get upset with your life. Embrace all the facets of life and be thankful that you’re actually aware of what you’re feeling.

Quality of Leaves: Let-Go


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