To Know Your Uniqueness

To Create Yourself you need to know your Uniqueness.

Your uniqueness is what makes you interesting. Your uniqueness is what others will relate to. Your uniqueness is what will get you the sales, the clients, or the job. Your uniqueness is why people will want to work with you. Your uniqueness is you.

But how do you discover your uniqueness?

Ask your friends and family why they like hanging out with you.

Better yet, get it in writing or set up a free survey so you can see the overall “winning” traits. Is is your sense of humor, your well-thought-out opinions of the Obama presidency, or the way you can put together the cutest outfit ever?

If that is way too scary, write down the names of your Top 10 Friends (don’t worry — unless this is Mean Girls, nobody’ll see it) and the reason you hang out with them. Then put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself what you bring to their table. Be honest and egotistical — you can always buy new hats to fit your swelled head.

Note which of your attributes others point out to you.

Look back over any job reviews or thank-you notes/emails/phone calls and make a note of the attributes that were pointed out to you. Did a friend thank you for setting him up on that blind date with your high school pal? Seems like you’re a good connector. Did your boss make note of how your colleagues perform better than usual when they’re on a project with you? Sounds like you’re a great leader/inspirer/motivator.

Write down these traits and keep them in your front pocket. They will be a great reminder when you ask, “What makes me unique?”

Notice what makes you feel authentic.

Carry a notebook with you and write down whenever you feel authentic (and why), as well as when someone thanks you (and why). Put a week or two’s worth of notes together, and you can really get all the pieces of the puzzle (“Felt authentic when I thanked the barista & she smiled at me-> Like being friendly, or feel like I put some Nice into the world”).

Imagine your perfect work day.

Think of what Your Perfect Day would hold if you had to work during it. Where would you be? Who would be with you? What would you be doing? If nothing’s coming, close your eyes and take the pressure off yourself. Just wait for it. Once you have that image, or that movie in your mind, write it down or draw it or paint it or make it into a cartoon.


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