Self-Sacrifice – In Gita Verse 17.11 Of sacrifices, the sacrifice performed according to the directions of scripture, as a matter of duty, by those who desire no reward, is of the nature of goodness.

Krishna’s profound teachings on the mode of goodness signify a sacrificial offering performed without any expectation of rewards. Following the Vedic scriptures’ injunctions and conducting the sacrifice solely for the worship of the Lord is essential for it to be classified as a virtuous act.

The prescribed Yagna, as outlined in the scriptures, is a duty to be fulfilled without harbouring any desires for personal gain. This sacred act signifies purity and selflessness, embodying the essence of goodness. It transcends mere ritualistic practices, offering a deeper connection to spirituality and gratitude.

The ritual of Yagna symbolises a sacred journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. As individuals engage in this practice with sincerity and devotion, they embark on a profound exploration of their innermost being. The transformative nature of Yagna allows one to peel away the layers of ego and unworthiness, revealing the pure essence that lies at the core of their being.

By partaking in the Yagna ritual, individuals not only honour the divine but also connect with their true self on a deeper level. The act of self-sacrifice and offering in Yagna signifies a willingness to let go of attachments, desires, and false identifications that cloud one’s perception of self. Through this process of letting go, a sense of clarity and authenticity emerges, allowing individuals to embrace their intrinsic uniqueness and divine essence.

As one delves deeper into the practice of Yagna, the need for comparison with others diminishes. Each individual is a manifestation of divine energy, with a unique purpose and set of qualities that contribute to the tapestry of existence. By shedding societal conditioning and false personas, individuals recognise and celebrate their distinctiveness, acknowledging that true beauty and worth lie in embracing one’s authentic self.

The realisation that each person is incomparable and holds a special place in the grand scheme of creation fosters a sense of reverence for one’s own journey and the journeys of others. The veil of judgement and competition is lifted, and a deep sense of interconnectedness and acceptance prevails. Through the transformative power of Yagna, individuals not only unveil their transcendental nature but also cultivate a profound sense of self-love, acceptance, and appreciation for the diverse expressions of existence around them.

The pursuit of desires and rewards often stems from societal comparisons, hindering individuals from recognising their true individuality. Embracing one’s genuine self and relinquishing expectations paves the way for self-appreciation and a deeper sense of fulfilment.

Krishna’s teachings echo the importance of transcending attachment to fabricated identities and embracing the uncertainty of change. True growth lies in stepping away from the safety of predictability and venturing into the realm of authenticity and self-discovery.

True death leads to resurrection, symbolising the cycle of growth and transformation. Embracing impermanence and authenticity allows individuals to tap into their inner radiance and embark on a profound journey towards self-realisation and fulfilment.

Essentially, Krishna’s teachings inspire us to break free from illusions, embrace our authentic selves, and welcome change with courage, much like the rising sun casting light on the horizon, heralding a life abundant in significance and evolution. This sentiment mirrors the core message of verse 17.11, underscoring the profound impact of relinquishing ego and adopting individuality for a life infused with purpose and fulfilment.


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