VBT – Meditation 75.3
VBT – Meditation 75.3 Awake State This Fourth is the Being The state in which the soul, with the...
Podcast With Sandeep Pathe # 2
Dhwani Shah, , Interactive Knowledge Exchange, 0
Role of Architect in Preservation of Cultural Heritage Introduction Introducing Sandeep Pathe, a distinguished Conservation Architect, Designer, and Author...
Podcast With Sw Anand Kamlesh # 1
Dhwani Shah, , Zorba the Buddha: Bridging Worlds with Osho Series, 0
Silence As A Form Of Communication Introduction Introducing Sw Anand Kamlesh, a highly esteemed Indian screenwriter with over 35...
Podcast With Ravi Nuguri # 2
Dhwani Shah, , Interactive Knowledge Exchange, 0
Campus to Corporate Introduction Welcome to the Interactive Knowledge Exchange podcast series, organised by the Dwarkadhish Holistic Centre in...
Ancient Wisdom In Modern Time Session: 41
Dhwani Shah, , Ancient wisdom in modern time, Laws of Success, Yoga, Patanjali, Yoga Sutra, 0
Eight Fold Path of Yoga
Podcast With Debasis Satapathy # 18
Dhwani Shah, , DHC Podcast with Debasis, 0
Transformational Leadership in Mahabharat – Timeless Lessons for 21st Century Leaders Introduction Introducing Mr. Debasis Satapathy, Chief General Manager...
Bhagavad Gita Verse 6.8

Possessiveness – In Gita Verse 6.8 A person is said to be established in self-realization and is called a yogī when he is fully satisfied by virtue of acquired knowledge and realization. Such a person is situated in transcendence and is self-controlled. He sees everything – whether it...
Protected: Learning Is Evolution Session: 11

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Learning Is Evolution Session: 89

Learning Is Evolution Session: 88

Learning Is Evolution Session: 87

Great Reservoir
Learning Is Evolution Session: 86

Transcend Duality
Yoga Sutra 44 Ultimate Synthesis


If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. – Meister Eckhart Prayer The Sufi mystic was a rebellious person. It happened this time that for three days they had no food, because every village they passed refused...
Old Man’s Answer

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. – Albert Einstein Old Man’s Answer A Sufi story. A man was sitting at the gate of a town, an old man. A rider stopped, a horse rider and asked him, ”what...
You Have Stolen My Heart

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others. – Albert Schweitzer You Have Stolen My Heart 💓 Let me tell you a Zen anecdote about a burglar who entered the house of a Zen master to rob him....
Wood Cutting

Relaxation means you don’t have any shoulds. You are simply living moment to moment, not according to some future idea of yourself, but according to your reality that is herenow. – Osho Wood Cutting A Zen story. A very curious king, wanting to know about what these...
In Deep Patience
In Deep Patience People from the West come to me and they say, “This very evening we are leaving,...
Cherry Blossom And The Misty Moon
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but...
Podcast With Sandeep Pathe # 2
Role of Architect in Preservation of Cultural Heritage Introduction Introducing Sandeep Pathe, a distinguished Conservation Architect, Designer, and Author...
Bilalapadaka The Selfish Rich Man

It is thought that spirituality is a difficult attainment. It is neither: that is, it is neither difficult nor an attainment. Whatsoever you are, you are already spiritual. – Osho Bilalapadaka The Selfish Rich Man What Buddha said… : Do not think lightly of doing good, saying, “A little...
Mindfulness Means Life

God never guide a man like a shepherd with a stick in their hand. Instead they deliver intelligence and wisdom to the person. – Vidur Mindfulness Means Life What Buddha said… : Mindfulness is the way to the Deathless (Nibbana), unmindfulness the way to Death. Those who are mindful...
Not Even for Free

If a man recites religious scriptures without bothering to understand the ideas being stated. Such person is not better than a ladle that is dipped in all kinds of food, but is unable to taste any. – Chanakya Not Even for Free What Buddha said… : Look at...
There Is Nothing Like Lust

There Is Nothing Like Lust Just as when a river comes to the ocean she must be hesitating for a moment before she loses herself into the ocean, she must be looking backwards with nostalgia: the beautiful mountains, the snow-peaked mountains, the forests, the valleys, the song of the...
The Brash Student

The Brash Student When Yamaoka was a brash student he visited the master Dokuon. Wanting to impress the master he said: “There is no mind, there is nobody, there is no buddha. There is no better, there is no worse. There is no master, there is no student. There...
Blissfulness Beyond Ignorance

Blissfulness Beyond Ignorance So if you are not aware of beauty, you will not be aware of ugliness. If you are aware of beauty, you have become aware of ugliness. You will enjoy and you will feel the bliss of beauty, and then you will suffer. This is part...
The Mystery Of Meditation

The Mystery Of Meditation Now as far as words and thoughts are concerned, you are a witness, separate, and words are the other. But when there are no words, you are the gap, and still conscious that you are the gap – because now between you and the gap,...
Death Is Life

Death Is Life The eighth sutra of yoga. When I talked about the seventh sutra I told you that conscious life has two forms: self-conscious and self-unconscious. The eighth sutra is: Yoga begins with self-consciousness and ends with the dissolution of the self. To be self-conscious is the way;...
Be Real To Life, Not To Logic

When you are deeply in love your mind cease to be. There is no past; only the present moment becomes everything. – Osho. Be Real To Life, Not To Logic I have heard that once it happened that a very great Zen mystic and master died. His disciple...
King And A Young Man

When you are discontent, you always want more, more, more. Your desire can never be satisfied. But when you practice contentment, you can say to yourself, ‘Oh yes – I already have everything that I really need.’ – Dalai Lama King And A Young Man A king was...
Cherry Blossom And The Misty Moon

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. – John F. Kennedy Cherry Blossom And The Misty Moon It happened about a very famous Zen woman, her name was Rengetsu…. Very few women...
The Fundamental Rule

The Fundamental Rule Be a little more aware when you make such assumptions. You think that somebody is mad? Don’t be in such a hurry. He may not be mad; on the contrary, you may be mad. Don’t judge. You immediately assume that somebody is a criminal – he...
Life: Uncharted And Unknown Possibilities

Life: Uncharted And Unknown Possibilities So there are three things to be understood. The first is that we do not have a single mind; we have many minds. Secondly, these minds are our past experiences. And thirdly, we cling to these multi-minds because of our fear of the unknown,...
Just To Be Able To Dance 2

Just To Be Able To Dance 2 Direction is very subtle, delicate, fragile. That’s why everybody has chosen destination. Society tries to fix a destination for you. Parents, teachers, culture, religion, government: they all try to give you a fixed pattern of life. They don’t want you to be...
Let-Go Is My Only Approach

Let-Go Is My Only Approach The first question: Osho, I have been here now for almost two and a half years, but I still feel that something in my life goes basically wrong. Except for short glimpses, I am unable to find any lasting meaning in it. Most of...
Life, Death And Love

Life, Death And Love Don’t move ahead of yourself into the future because that is not possible to do. The future remains unknown; that is its beauty, that is its grandeur, glory. If it becomes known, it will be useless because then the whole excitement and the whole surprise...
Osho's Preaching
A Questionless Silence You have always stressed that there is so much misery in the world because we have...
Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life. -Buddha Thin Silver Layer...
Laughter Is The Highest Spiritual Quality And I think as the pressure of death, destructiveness, nuclear war, becomes more...
Dissolved In The Universal Soul This world would become very silent if people would say only what cannot be...
Laughter Is The Highest Spiritual Quality And I think as the pressure of death, destructiveness, nuclear war, becomes more...
Death Is Life The eighth sutra of yoga. When I talked about the seventh sutra I told you that...
Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides. – Lao Tzu Process Of Death...
Techniques To Become One With The Whole Swami Ramateertha used this technique for his own sadhana. A moment came...
In the greed of tasty food a fish swallows the bait with iron hooks. It clearly overlooks the upcoming...
Very few people are original. There’s very little original anything out there. Because to be original means you have...
There is a Sufi story… A rich man died. He was not only rich; he was wise also, which...
Consistency is the hallmark of the unimaginative. Oscar Wilde Consistent Man A Sufi story… Mulla Nasruddin is appointed as...
Whose plans of future and discussions remain a mystery for enemy. Such person is called an intelligent. – Vidur...
Dreams is secret window into your feelings, unfulfilled desire, act as inspiration for a creative project, and even help...
The Court barber nursed his hatred for Birbal and plotted against him daily. One day he struck upon a...
The great king Krishna Deva Raya had a lot of wise ministers in his court. The wisest of them...
Once, a jester worked in a royal court. The king who ruled the kingdom respected the jester a lot....
The man of science is a poor philosopher. – Albert Einstein Frog The Philosopher Chuang Tzu talks about a...
A farmer’s daughter was carrying her Pail of milk from the field to the farmhouse, when she fell a-musing....
The lion king was busy appointing various animals at different posts. The cheetah had been made the army commander...
A wild boar was rubbing his tusks against a tree. A fox passing by asked him what he was...
The best revenge is to live on and prove yourself. – Eddie Vedder An Idiot And A Wise Man...
Life is not always easy to live, but the opportunity to do so is a blessing beyond comprehension. In...
Ancient Wisdom In Modern Time Session: 41

Eight Fold Path of Yoga
Ancient Wisdom In Modern Time Session: 40

Viveka Khyateh
Ancient Wisdom In Modern Time Session: 39

Ancient Wisdom In Modern Time Session: 38

Ancient Wisdom In Modern Time Session: 41

Eight Fold Path of Yoga
Ancient Wisdom In Modern Time Session: 40

Viveka Khyateh
Ancient Wisdom In Modern Time Session: 39

What Goes Around Comes Around
Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more. H. Jackson Brown Jr. What Goes Around Comes Around His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry...
Affection Of A Tree
Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Affection Of A Tree I have heard that there was once an ancient and majestic tree, with branches spreading out towards the sky. When it was in a flowering mood, butterflies...
The Jackal Saved Lion
What will I gain in doing so and what will I lose in doing so. A man must ask such questions to himself before doing something. – Vidur The Jackal Saved Lion Once upon a time there was a lion in a jungle. Once when he had gone to...
You Have Stolen My Heart
The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others. – Albert Schweitzer You Have Stolen My Heart 💓 Let me tell you a Zen anecdote about a burglar who entered the house of a Zen master to rob him....
A Bad Workman Always Blames His Tools
Be Lazy or Be Successful – Laziness is a state of mind and it evolves from two things. One is the lack of interest and other is the lack of responsibility. – Chanakya A Bad Workman Always Blames His Tools The meaning of this proverb is ….our success does...
Practical Education – Study And Skill
Unemployment. Mental illnesses. Drug addictions. Antisocial and asocial behavior. All these have increased as the spread and level of education increased. Education was meant so that everyone will be able to earn livelihood gracefully and live happily. But things have taken wrong shapes and turns. More we are trying...
Yesterday is gone and took away its taleToday, we must live a fresh story again Since a young girl, Krishna has fascinated me and this fascination increased as I grew older. His many loves, his intelligence, his charm, his flute, and his immense presence. His revered dark skin in...
From Demonetisation to Remonetisation
On 8th November, 2016, the day, USA was voting to elect its new president, our own Prime Minister Narendra Modi stunned the nation at around 8.00 pm in the night by announcing that 500 and 1000 rupee notes will cease to be a legal tender wef 12 midnight the...
Verse and Worse
Verse and Worse An Introspection of ills prevailing in our system O ! Our Artful Masters !! Please stop the antics of populism And work out something of humanism; Pure and simple and bright, Without any twist of left or right Your Social Justice is injustice and casteism, Democracy...
Agricultural Scenario In India
After the nationalisation of commercial banks in 1969 and then in 1980, a large number of bank branches have been opened in rural areas. In 1969 there were only 8800 branches of commercial banks out of which only 1400 branches were in rural areas. As on March 2016 figures,...